「Cool Invitations 4」- XYZcollective

「Cool Invitations 4」

Curated by : Misako & Jeffrey Rosen
Invitations collected by Nodoka Kinsho

Participants : Marie Angeletti , COBRA , Daisuke Fukunaga , Ken Kagami , Margaret Lee , Soshiro Matsubara , Futoshi Miyagi , Yui Usui , Ryohei Usui , J・Parker Valentine , Yui Yaegashi , Hikotaro Kanehira , MISAKO&ROSEN ,
Special thanks to the following galleries for their kind support : TOMIO KOYAMA GALLERY , MUJIN-TO Production

2017.09.03[日] - 10.01[日]

〒170-0002 東京都豊島区巣鴨 2-13-4-B02